20 Ways to Keep Your Living Room Smelling Fresh




20 Ways to Keep Your Living Room Smelling Fresh

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As an enthusiast on all things home related and someone who enjoys an aromatic living space, I’ve come across several tricks to ensure that my living room always smells clean, fresh and fragrant.

Here are my top 20 easy ways to keep your living room smelling fresh and inviting:

1. Regular Ventilation


Open those windows! Allowing fresh air to circulate is the simplest and most effective way to eliminate stale odours. Even a few minutes a day can make a huge difference.

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2. Natural Air Purifiers


Incorporate natural air purifiers like houseplants. Not only do they add aesthetic appeal, but they also filter the air, absorbing unpleasant scents.

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3. Scented Candles or Diffusers


Opt for scented candles or essential oil diffusers. They not only add a pleasant aroma but can also create a relaxing ambience in your living room.

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4. Deep Clean Carpets and Upholstery

Regularly steam clean carpets and upholstery. These elements of the living room tend to trap odours, so a thorough cleaning every few months keeps your space smelling fresh and odour free.

5. Baking Soda Magic

If you have not used this product before, I can certainly contest that baking soda is a miracle worker! Sprinkle it on carpets before vacuuming to effectively absorb odours, or place an open container in the room to neutralise airbourne smells.

6. Fresh Linens and Fabrics

Regularly launder curtains, cushion covers, and throws. Clean fabrics help prevent lingering odours, ensuring your living room stays fresh.

7. Simmer Potpourri or Citrus Peels

Create a natural air freshener by simmering potpourri or citrus peels on the stove. This DIY method infuses the room with a pleasant aroma.

8. Fabric Fresheners

Consider using fabric fresheners or sprays specifically designed for upholstery and curtains. A quick spritz can instantly revive and refresh these items, eliminating any lingering odours.

9. Odour-Absorbing Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a natural odor absorber. Place small bowls filled with charcoal around the room to soak up unwanted smells, leaving the air noticeably fresher.

10. Regular Vacuuming


Don’t underestimate the power of vacuuming! Regularly vacuuming floors, carpets, and furniture helps remove dust, dirt, and pet dander that can cause odours to occur in your home.

11. Homemade Potpourri

Create your own potpourri by combining dried flowers, herbs, and spices. Place this fragrant mix in decorative bowls around the living room for a perfumed scent.

12. Aromatherapy Reed Diffusers

Invest in reed diffusers with essential oils. These not only add a lovely scent but also offer therapeutic benefits, promoting relaxation and stress relief.

13. Scented Liners for Trash Bins

Line your trash bins with scented liners or sprinkle baking soda at the bottom to absorb odours before they spread around the room and further afield.

14. Regular HVAC Filter Changes

Change your HVAC filters regularly to prevent musty odors from circulating through your home’s ventilation system.

15. Scented Drawer Liners

Place scented drawer liners in side tables or cabinets. When opened, these areas will release a pleasant aroma into the living space.

16. DIY Room Sprays

Make your own room sprays using water, essential oils, and a touch of rubbing alcohol. Spray this homemade mix around the living room for a quick refresh.

17. Scented Wax Melts


Use wax melts in stylish warmers to emit a consistent fragrance throughout the living room without the flame of a candle.

18. Lemon and Vinegar Cleaning Solution

Clean surfaces with a mix of lemon juice, vinegar, and water. Not only will this solution disinfect, but it will also leave behind a fresh citrus scent.

19. Dryer Sheets in Vents

Tape a dryer sheet to the back of your air vents. As air circulates, it will carry a subtle, fresh scent throughout the room.

20. Essential Oil Spritz on Furnishings

Create a diluted essential oil spritz and lightly mist furnishings like sofas and chairs for a natural, long-lasting scent.

My Final Thoughts

Using just some of these simple yet effective tips can transform your living room into a fragrant haven. By incorporating them into your routine, you’ll maintain a consistently fresh-smelling living room that’s a joy for you and your family to spend time in.

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